A.B.M. Intel
Truth Through AnalysisThe leaders in cellular records analysis, consulting, and education
Industry leaders in cellular technology and records analysis education.
Learn from the experts at A.B.M.
Mapping and Analysis
Digital evidence is everywhere, and it contains crucial information for your case. Not every analysis, and not all data, is created equal. The experts at A.B.M. will provide a thorough analysis and detailed explanation of their findings.
A wide-array of additional services provided by A.B.M., including cellular tower scanning, expert witness testimony, and litigation support services.
Training and Education
An estimated 7.33 billion people (91.53%) in the world own a cellular telephone. An estimated 97% of Americans own a cellular telephone.
Odds are, your case involves cellular records, social media, geolocation information, connected vehicle data, or a combination thereof.
Learn how to leverage cellular records and digital evidence in your case.
Learn from the subject matter experts at A.B.M.
CellHawk Certification
It is crucial to be trained and certified with the tools you use. A.B.M. is proud to be a premier training partner of CellHawk. We can get provide you with both!